Baked Brie in Puff Pastry with Honey, Fig, and Prosciutto


Baked brie in puff pastry with honey, figs, and prosciutto is a perfect warm and gooey appetizer, combining rich, creamy flavors with contrasting textures. The soft, melted brie oozes out when cut into, complemented by the sweet honey and figs. The prosciutto adds a salty note, while the puff pastry provides a crispy, golden-brown shell. This elegant yet simple dish is ideal for entertaining, whether for a holiday gathering, special occasion, or casual dinner party. Its luxurious flavors and delightful presentation make it a crowd-pleaser that’s easy to prepare but always impresses.

Key Ingredients Overview 

  • Brie Cheese: Known for its soft, creamy texture, brie melts beautifully inside the pastry, creating a decadent center.
  • Puff Pastry: Store-bought puff pastry is convenient and easy to work with, providing a light, flaky outer layer that crisps up perfectly in the oven.
  • Honey: The sweetness of honey complements the rich brie, adding balance to the dish.
  • Figs: Both fresh and dried figs offer a fruity sweetness; dried figs can be rehydrated if needed.
  • Prosciutto: This cured ham introduces a salty, savory contrast that enhances the overall flavor profile.
  • Optional Ingredients: Fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme, or nuts such as pecans or walnuts, add texture and aromatic depth.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Baked Brie in Puff Pastry

Prepping the Ingredients 

Before assembling your baked brie, make sure all ingredients are prepared:

  • Preparing the brie: You can leave the rind on or remove it, depending on your preference. Leaving the rind on allows it to hold its shape as it melts, while removing it makes the dish even creamier.
  • Handling the puff pastry: Thaw the puff pastry according to package instructions, usually 20-30 minutes at room temperature. Roll it out gently to avoid tearing, ensuring it’s large enough to wrap around the brie.
  • Preparing the figs: If using fresh figs, wash and slice them thinly. For dried figs, rehydrate them in warm water for 10 minutes, then slice.
  • Slicing the prosciutto: Cut the prosciutto into thin strips or large slices to easily layer over the puff pastry. Prosciutto is delicate, so handle it with care to avoid tearing.

Assembling the Baked Brie 

  1. Laying out the puff pastry: Roll the thawed puff pastry onto a lightly floured surface. Ensure it is large enough to completely wrap the brie. You may need to gently stretch it or roll it out further.
  2. Layering the prosciutto on the puff pastry: Once the pastry is ready, place strips or slices of prosciutto evenly over the pastry. This layer adds a salty, savory element and helps prevent the brie from seeping through the pastry during baking.
  3. Placing the brie in the center: Position the brie cheese wheel in the middle of the puff pastry, right on top of the prosciutto layer. Ensure it’s centered so the pastry can fold evenly around it.
  4. Drizzling honey over the brie: Drizzle a generous amount of honey directly on top of the brie. The honey’s sweetness will balance the saltiness of the prosciutto and enhance the flavor of the brie.
  5. Adding figs for sweetness: Layer fig slices or spread a spoonful of fig preserve on top of the brie. This step adds a fruity contrast that complements the richness of the cheese and the puff pastry.
  6. Wrapping the puff pastry: Gently fold the puff pastry over the brie, ensuring all sides are sealed. You can trim any excess pastry to avoid thick areas that might not bake evenly. Press the edges to seal completely to prevent any cheese from leaking out during baking.
  7. Optional decorative touches: If you have extra puff pastry, you can cut small shapes or create a lattice pattern to place on top for a decorative finish. This adds visual appeal to your dish.

Baking Instructions

  1. Preheating the oven: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C), ensuring it’s at the right temperature before you begin baking.
  2. Brushing with egg wash: Beat one egg in a small bowl and brush it lightly over the entire surface of the wrapped puff pastry. This egg wash helps the pastry achieve a golden, shiny finish.
  3. Baking times: Place the wrapped brie on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake for 20-30 minutes, checking occasionally. You want the puff pastry to turn golden brown and puffed, indicating that the pastry is cooked through and the brie is warm and melted inside.
  4. Checking for doneness: The puff pastry should be fully golden, crisp, and flaky. You can gently press on the pastry with a spoon to check if the brie inside has softened. Avoid over-baking, as it may cause the cheese to overheat and leak out.

Serving Suggestions

  1. Resting before slicing: Allow the baked brie to rest for 5-10 minutes before slicing into it. This prevents the melted brie from immediately running out and allows the dish to set slightly.
  2. Garnishing: For added flavor and presentation, drizzle extra honey on top and scatter fresh fig slices or a sprig of herbs like rosemary or thyme. These additions enhance both taste and appearance.
  3. Serving options: Offer a variety of accompaniments to dip into the melted brie. Crackers, toasted bread slices, or crostini provide a crunchy contrast to the soft cheese. Fresh fruit like apple slices, pears, or grapes adds a refreshing bite that pairs well with the richness of the dish.

Variations and Customizations 

  1. Sweet vs. savory: Add caramelized onions for a savory twist or dried cranberries for additional sweetness.
  2. Alternative meats: You can replace prosciutto with pancetta or crispy bacon to maintain a salty contrast.
  3. Gluten-free option: Use a gluten-free puff pastry for those with dietary restrictions, available in many grocery stores.
  4. Vegetarian option: Skip the prosciutto entirely and add nuts like chopped walnuts or almonds to retain texture and flavor without the meat.

The Flavor Profile and Pairings

Flavor Profile Breakdown 

  1. Creamy Brie: The brie is the star of the dish, offering a rich, buttery, and creamy center. It melts into a velvety, warm pool of cheese once cut open, providing a luxurious mouthfeel.
  2. Salty Prosciutto: The prosciutto adds a needed saltiness, cutting through the richness of the brie. Its thin, delicate texture crisps up slightly in the oven, adding a savory bite.
  3. Sweetness from Honey and Figs: The natural sweetness from the honey and figs balances the saltiness of the prosciutto and enhances the creamy brie. The figs also bring in a slight chewiness that complements the overall texture.
  4. Puff Pastry Texture: The puff pastry bakes into a flaky, crisp outer shell that contrasts beautifully with the soft, gooey center. Each bite combines the buttery pastry with the warm brie and sweet-savory fillings for an indulgent experience.

Pairing Suggestions 

  1. Wine pairing: Light, fruity wines like Pinot Noir or a crisp sparkling wine like Champagne work well. These wines cut through the richness of the brie and enhance the fruity notes of the figs and honey.
  2. Non-alcoholic pairing: For non-alcoholic options, try sparkling apple cider or pomegranate juice. Both provide a touch of sweetness and acidity to complement the flavors.
  3. Side dishes: A light, refreshing salad with vinaigrette or a charcuterie board featuring cured meats, olives, and fresh fruit makes for a perfect pairing with this indulgent appetizer.

Tips for Perfect Baked Brie

Tips for Best Results

  1. Use cold puff pastry: Puff pastry is easiest to handle when it’s cold. Ensure it’s properly thawed, but still cold, to prevent it from becoming too soft or tearing. Cold pastry also helps maintain its structure while wrapping and during baking.
  2. Chill the wrapped brie before baking: Once you’ve assembled the brie in the puff pastry, refrigerate it for about 15-20 minutes before placing it in the oven. This helps the pastry firm up, resulting in a more even bake and preventing the brie from leaking out prematurely.
  3. Avoid overstuffing: While honey and figs add wonderful flavor, be careful not to overfill the pastry. Too much filling can cause the brie to overflow, making the dish messy and difficult to serve.
  4. Prevent soggy bottoms: Ensure the puff pastry is well-sealed around the brie to prevent cheese from leaking out. Trim any excess pastry to avoid thick, undercooked spots. You can also place the brie on a baking rack or parchment-lined baking sheet to promote even cooking.

Common Mistakes to Avoid 

  1. Over-baking: If the puff pastry becomes too brown before the brie melts, the inside may be underdone or the cheese could overheat and leak out. Keep an eye on the pastry and lower the oven temperature if it browns too quickly.
  2. Skipping the egg wash: This step gives the pastry a beautiful golden color and crispy texture. Without it, the dish will look pale and less appealing.
  3. Under-seasoning: A small sprinkle of salt, pepper, or fresh herbs like thyme can enhance the flavor. Without seasoning, the dish can taste bland, especially if you skip the prosciutto.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I Make Baked Brie Ahead of Time? 

Yes, you can assemble baked brie ahead of time. Prepare the brie by wrapping it in puff pastry, layering the prosciutto, honey, and figs, and sealing the pastry. Once assembled, store the wrapped brie in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours before baking. This makes it convenient for parties or events, as you can simply pop it in the oven when ready to serve.

Should I Remove the Rind from Brie Before Baking? 

It’s a personal preference whether to remove the rind or not. The rind is edible and helps the brie hold its shape as it melts, giving the dish structure. Removing the rind makes the cheese even creamier and gooier but may result in a messier presentation. If you prefer a smoother texture without the rind, feel free to remove it before baking.

What Should I Serve with Baked Brie? 

Baked brie pairs well with a variety of accompaniments. Serve it with crunchy crackers, crusty baguette slices, or toasted bread to scoop up the melted cheese. Fresh fruits like apple slices, pear slices, or grapes add a refreshing contrast. You can also add nuts like walnuts or pecans for texture, along with a drizzle of extra honey for sweetness.

Can I Use a Different Cheese Instead of Brie? 

Yes, you can use alternatives like Camembert or goat cheese. Camembert offers a similar creamy texture but has a slightly more earthy flavor. Goat cheese provides a tangy, lighter flavor that pairs well with the sweetness of honey and figs. Adjust the filling quantities depending on the cheese’s consistency to ensure it melts properly inside the puff pastry.

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Baked Brie in Puff Pastry with Honey, Fig, and Prosciutto

  • Author: Munil


This elegant baked brie wrapped in puff pastry combines a delicious mix of flavors and textures. The brie cheese melts into a warm, gooey center while the puff pastry crisps to golden perfection. The salty prosciutto adds a savory touch, balanced by the sweetness of honey and figs. This appetizer is perfect for entertaining, whether it’s for a holiday gathering, special occasion, or casual dinner party. Serve it with fresh fruit, crackers, or bread for a crowd-pleasing dish that’s as beautiful as it is indulgent.


  • 1 (8-12 oz) wheel of brie cheese
  • 12 tbsp honey
  • 12 tbsp fig preserves
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • 1 tbsp fresh thyme leaves
  • 1 sheet frozen puff pastry, thawed
  • 48 slices thin prosciutto
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Coarse sugar, for sprinkling


1. Preheat the Oven:
Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).
2. Prepare the Puff Pastry:
Lay Out Pastry: Lay the thawed puff pastry flat on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
Score the Brie: Place the wheel of brie in the center of the pastry. Use a knife to score the top of the brie in a crosshatch pattern.
3. Add the Toppings:
Spread Fig Preserves: Spread the fig preserves over the top of the brie.
Drizzle Honey: Drizzle with honey.
Season: Sprinkle fresh thyme leaves and a pinch of black pepper over the top.
4. Wrap with Prosciutto:
Wrap with Prosciutto: Wrap the slices of prosciutto around the brie.
Fold the Puff Pastry: Fold the corners of the puff pastry up and over the brie, covering it completely. Press to seal the edges.
5. Brush and Sprinkle:
Brush with Egg Wash: Brush the puff pastry with the beaten egg, ensuring even coverage.
Sprinkle with Sugar: Lightly sprinkle the top with coarse sugar for a subtle sweetness and crunch.
6. Bake:
Bake the Brie: Bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes, or until the pastry is deep golden brown and crispy.
7. Serve:
Serve Warm: Serve warm with your favorite bread or crackers.


  • Brie Cheese: You can leave the rind on for structure or remove it for a creamier texture.
  • Puff Pastry: Use store-bought puff pastry for ease, and make sure it’s cold when handling for the best results.
  • Prosciutto: Adds a savory, salty component to balance the rich cheese and sweet honey and figs. For a vegetarian option, substitute with nuts like pecans or walnuts.
  • Honey and Figs: Both bring a natural sweetness that pairs beautifully with the creamy brie and crispy pastry. You can use fresh or dried figs, depending on availability.
  • Variations: Try adding caramelized onions for a more savory version or cranberries for extra sweetness. You can also substitute pancetta or bacon for prosciutto.
  • Make Ahead: Assemble the dish up to a day in advance, refrigerate it, and bake it fresh for serving. This allows you to spend more time with guests during gatherings.

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