Mac and Cheese Meatloaf Casserole



Mac and Cheese Meatloaf Casserole is a delightful fusion of two classic comfort foods: rich, cheesy mac and cheese, and savory, hearty meatloaf. This unique dish not only brings together the best of both worlds but also elevates them into an irresistible casserole that’s perfect for family dinners, potlucks, and cozy nights in. Combining the creamy, gooey goodness of macaroni and cheese with the robust flavors of meatloaf, this recipe is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.

Casseroles have long been a staple in American cuisine, beloved for their convenience, versatility, and ability to feed a crowd. The Mac and Cheese Meatloaf Casserole takes this tradition to new heights, offering a dish that’s both comforting and innovative. For a deeper understanding of the history and varieties of casseroles, you can explore the extensive casserole overview on Wikipedia.

Ingredients Overview :

The success of this Mac and Cheese Meatloaf Casserole hinges on the quality and combination of its ingredients. Each component plays a crucial role in delivering the dish’s signature flavors and textures. From the lean ground beef and shredded cheeses to the creamy condensed cheddar cheese soup and tangy barbecue sauce, every ingredient is chosen to create a harmonious blend of tastes.

By using fresh and high-quality ingredients, you’ll ensure that your casserole is both delicious and satisfying. For more on the essential elements of this dish, check out macaroni and cheese and meatloaf on Wikipedia.

Detailed Ingredient List :

  • Ground Beef and Substitutes :

    The foundation of this casserole is lean ground beef, which provides a rich and savory base. Opting for lean ground beef ensures a balance between flavor and fat content, making the dish hearty without being overly greasy. If you’re looking for a healthier or different alternative, ground turkey or plant-based meats can be used as substitutes. These options provide a lighter or vegetarian-friendly twist without compromising on the robust flavors that define a traditional meatloaf.

  • Cheese Selection :

    Cheese is a cornerstone of this casserole, contributing to its creamy texture and rich taste. A blend of cheddar and mozzarella cheeses is recommended for their melting properties and balanced flavors. Cheddar adds a sharp, tangy note, while mozzarella provides a smooth, creamy finish. For those seeking a different flavor profile, incorporating other cheeses like Gruyère or Monterey Jack can offer unique variations. For more information on the types of cheddar cheese, visit Cheddar Cheese on Wikipedia.

  • Crackers and Binding Agents :

    Ritz crackers are used as a binding agent in the meatloaf mixture, adding a buttery flavor and light crunch. Crushing the crackers into fine crumbs helps them integrate seamlessly into the meat mixture. If Ritz crackers are unavailable, breadcrumbs or oats can serve as suitable alternatives. These binding agents help maintain the structure of the meatloaf while adding subtle texture and flavor.

  • Seasonings and Sauces :

    The seasoning blend for this casserole includes a mix of garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper, which enhances the overall flavor profile. The combination of ketchup and Sweet Baby Ray’s Hickory & Brown Sugar barbecue sauce adds a tangy and slightly sweet glaze to the meatloaf, complementing the savory elements perfectly. For those interested in exploring various barbecue sauce varieties, the Barbecue Sauce page on Wikipedia provides valuable insights.

  • Additional Ingredients :

    Eggs and milk are essential for binding and adding moisture to the meatloaf and macaroni mixture. Condensed cheddar cheese soup is used to create a creamy and flavorful sauce for the mac and cheese layer. Optional add-ins like chopped herbs or spices can be included to enhance the dish’s complexity and depth of flavor.

Mac and Cheese Meatloaf Casserole Recipe :

Preparation and Cooking Instructions :

Preparation Steps :

Preparing the Mac and Cheese Meatloaf Casserole involves several key steps to ensure each component is perfectly cooked and flavored. First, gather all ingredients and preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). This initial preparation step ensures a smooth cooking process. Next, crush the Ritz crackers into fine crumbs using a resealable bag and rolling pin. Mix the ketchup and Sweet Baby Ray’s Hickory & Brown Sugar barbecue sauce in a medium bowl and set aside. For more on different casserole preparations, you can explore casserole dishes.

Meatloaf Preparation :

To start, place the lean ground beef in a large mixing bowl. Add the crushed Ritz crackers, Lipton onion soup mix, and eggs. Pour in half of the ketchup and barbecue sauce mixture. Using your hands, gently mix all the ingredients until well combined, being careful not to overmix, which can make the meatloaf dense. Transfer the meat mixture into a greased 9×13 inch baking dish, pressing it evenly into the bottom of the dish. Spread the remaining ketchup and barbecue sauce mixture over the top of the meatloaf. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. This method ensures a moist and flavorful meatloaf base. For variations and detailed cooking tips, you might find this meatloaf guide helpful.

Mac and Cheese Preparation :

While the meatloaf is baking, cook the macaroni noodles according to the package directions, then drain and set aside. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the milk and condensed cheddar cheese soup until smooth. Add the garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper, and whisk until well combined. Stir in the cooked macaroni noodles until they are thoroughly coated with the cheese sauce. Mix in 2 cups of the shredded cheese blend, ensuring the macaroni is evenly mixed with the cheese. This preparation creates a creamy and flavorful mac and cheese layer that complements the savory meatloaf. For more on the history and varieties of mac and cheese, you can refer to macaroni and cheese.

Layering and Baking the Casserole :

Once the meatloaf has baked for 30 minutes, remove it from the oven. Pour the prepared mac and cheese mixture over the meatloaf layer, spreading it out evenly. Sprinkle the remaining 2 cups of shredded cheese on top of the macaroni. Return the baking dish to the oven and bake for an additional 17-20 minutes, or until the cheese on top is fully melted and just starting to brown. This final baking step ensures that the casserole is hot and bubbly, with a perfectly melted cheese topping. For more tips on perfecting your casserole, check out these casserole recipes.

Serving Suggestions and Variations :

To serve, let the casserole sit for a few minutes before slicing. This allows the flavors to meld and the casserole to set, making it easier to cut and serve. Pair this dish with a simple green salad or steamed vegetables to balance its richness. For a unique twist, consider adding crispy bacon bits to the mac and cheese layer or incorporating chopped herbs like parsley or thyme into the meatloaf mixture for added flavor. These variations can elevate the dish and cater to different tastes. For more inspiration on variations, you can explore various comfort food recipes.

Frequently Asked Questions :

Storage and Reheating :

Storing and reheating your Mac and Cheese Meatloaf Casserole is simple. Leftovers should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator, where they will stay fresh for up to 3 days. When reheating, you can either use the oven or microwave. To reheat in the oven, cover the casserole with aluminum foil and bake at 350°F (175°C) for 20 minutes or until heated through. For microwave reheating, place a portion on a microwave-safe plate, cover it with a microwave-safe lid, and heat on medium power for 2-3 minutes.

Ingredient Substitutions :

This recipe is versatile and allows for various ingredient substitutions. If you prefer a lighter version, you can use ground turkey instead of ground beef. For those who are gluten-free, substitute the Ritz crackers with gluten-free breadcrumbs. Additionally, you can swap the condensed cheddar cheese soup with a homemade cheese sauce using butter, flour, milk, and shredded cheese. For a dairy-free version, use plant-based milk and cheese alternatives. These substitutions ensure that everyone can enjoy this delicious casserole regardless of dietary preferences.

Customization Options :

Customizing your Mac and Cheese Meatloaf Casserole is a great way to make it uniquely yours. Consider adding vegetables like chopped bell peppers, onions, or spinach to the meatloaf mixture for extra nutrients and flavor. You can also incorporate spices like paprika, cayenne pepper, or Italian seasoning to enhance the taste. For a smoky twist, add some cooked, crumbled bacon to the mac and cheese layer. These customization options allow you to tailor the dish to your family’s tastes and preferences, making it a versatile addition to your meal rotation.

Common Issues and Solutions :

Here are solutions to common issues you might encounter while making Mac and Cheese Meatloaf Casserole. If your meatloaf turns out dry, try adding an extra egg or a bit more milk to the mixture next time. To avoid a runny cheese sauce, ensure you drain the macaroni well and mix the sauce until it thickens. If the cheese on top doesn’t brown, place the casserole under the broiler for the last few minutes of baking. These tips will help you perfect your casserole and address any issues that may arise during preparation.

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Mac and Cheese Meatloaf Casserole

  • Author: Easy Recipes
  • Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes



1 cup ketchup

1 cup Sweet Baby Ray’s Hickory & Brown Sugar barbecue sauce

2 lbs lean ground beef

30 Ritz Crackers

2 oz Lipton onion soup mix

2 eggs

3 cups macaroni noodles

2 cups milk

10.5 oz condensed cheddar cheese soup

1 tsp salt

1 tsp pepper

1 tbsp garlic powder

1 tbsp onion powder

4 cups shredded mozzarella and cheddar cheese blend


Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).
In a medium mixing bowl, combine the ketchup and barbecue sauce, then set aside.
In a large mixing bowl, add the ground beef. Place Ritz crackers in a large Ziploc bag and crush them using a rolling pin, then add the crumbs to the ground beef.
Add the Lipton onion soup mix and eggs to the ground beef mixture. Pour in 1/2 cup of the ketchup and barbecue sauce mixture.
Use your hands to mix all of the ingredients together until fully combined. Press the meatloaf mixture evenly into a greased 9×13 inch baking dish.
Spread the remaining ketchup and barbecue sauce mixture on top of the meatloaf.
Bake the meatloaf in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. While the meatloaf is baking, cook the macaroni noodles according to the package directions, then drain.
In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the milk and condensed cheddar cheese soup until no lumps remain.
Add the salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder to the bowl and whisk well. Stir in the cooked macaroni noodles until they are coated in the liquid. Mix in 2 cups of the shredded cheese.
Once the meatloaf has baked for 30 minutes, remove it from the oven. Pour the macaroni mixture on top of the meatloaf and spread it out evenly.
Sprinkle the remaining 2 cups of shredded cheese on top of the macaroni.
Return the dish to the oven and bake for an additional 17-20 minutes, or until the cheese on top is fully melted and just starting to brown.
Let the casserole sit for a few minutes before slicing and serving. Enjoy!

  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 50 minutes


  • Serving Size: 549 kcal per serving
  • Calories: 8 servings

1 thought on “Mac and Cheese Meatloaf Casserole”

  1. Trying it now, just finished cooking it. I used heavy cream instead of milk and seasoned my meat thoroughly with all kinds of seasoning.
    Added tons of cheese…mixed sharp, parmesan and mozzarella.
    Can’t wait to taste it!


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