Reuben Bake


The Reuben sandwich has been a beloved classic since its inception in the early 20th century. Originating from either Omaha, Nebraska, or New York City—depending on which story you believe—this hearty sandwich combines the robust flavors of corned beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and Thousand Island dressing on rye bread. Taking inspiration from this iconic dish, the Reuben Bake casserole offers a delicious, baked alternative that’s perfect for family dinners and gatherings.

The Reuben Bake encapsulates all the beloved elements of the sandwich, but in a convenient, easy-to-serve format. This dish is not only incredibly satisfying but also versatile, allowing for various customizations to suit different tastes and dietary needs. Whether you’re a fan of the traditional ingredients or looking to experiment with new flavors, this casserole is sure to become a favorite in your recipe collection.

Ingredients and Preparations :

Creating the perfect Reuben Bake starts with gathering high-quality ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 8 slices of rye bread, cubed
  • 1 pound thinly sliced or shredded corned beef
  • 1 can (14 ounces) sauerkraut, drained and rinsed
  • 2 cups grated Swiss cheese
  • 1 cup Thousand Island dressing

Preparation Tips:

  1. Bread: Opt for a dense, slightly stale rye bread. Fresh bread can become too soggy during baking. If needed, you can cube the bread and leave it out overnight to dry slightly.
  2. Corned Beef: Thinly slice or shred the corned beef for an even distribution throughout the casserole. You can use deli-sliced corned beef or homemade if you have it.
  3. Sauerkraut: Drain and rinse the sauerkraut well to reduce excess moisture and balance the tanginess. This step is crucial to prevent the casserole from becoming too wet.
  4. Cheese: Grate your Swiss cheese fresh for the best meltability and flavor. Pre-shredded cheese often contains additives that can affect the texture when melted.
  5. Dressing: If you prefer, you can make your own Thousand Island dressing using mayonnaise, ketchup, sweet pickle relish, and a dash of paprika. This allows you to control the flavor and ingredients.

With your ingredients prepped, you’re ready to start layering your Reuben Bake. This dish is not only straightforward to prepare but also an excellent make-ahead option for busy weeknights or entertaining.

Step-by-Step Recipe Instructions :

Preheat and Prepare :

Begin by preheating your oven to 350°F (175°C). Lightly grease a baking dish to prevent sticking and ensure easy serving.

Layering the Ingredients :

  1. First Layer: Start by spreading half of the cubed rye bread evenly across the bottom of the greased baking dish. This forms the base layer and helps soak up the flavors of the other ingredients.
  2. Corned Beef: Add half of the thinly sliced or shredded corned beef over the bread layer, ensuring even coverage for a consistent taste in every bite.
  3. Sauerkraut: Distribute half of the drained and rinsed sauerkraut over the corned beef. The sauerkraut adds a tangy contrast that complements the richness of the meat and cheese.
  4. Swiss Cheese: Sprinkle half of the grated Swiss cheese over the sauerkraut layer. The cheese will melt beautifully, binding the layers together.
  5. Dressing: Drizzle half of the Thousand Island dressing evenly over the cheese layer. This dressing provides a creamy, tangy element that ties all the flavors together.
  6. Repeat Layers: Repeat the layering process with the remaining ingredients: rye bread, corned beef, sauerkraut, and Swiss cheese.
  7. Finish with Dressing: Finally, drizzle the remaining Thousand Island dressing over the top layer of cheese. This ensures every bite is flavorful and well-seasoned.

Baking Instructions :

Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and place it in the preheated oven. Bake for approximately 25-30 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly. If you prefer a crispier top, remove the foil during the last 10 minutes of baking.

Once baked, allow the Reuben Bake to cool slightly before serving. This makes it easier to cut into neat squares and enhances the overall flavor. For added texture and flavor, you can sprinkle some chopped fresh parsley or caraway seeds on top before serving.

By following these steps, you’ll create a Reuben Bake that’s not only delicious but also a hit at any gathering. This dish brings together the best elements of the traditional sandwich in a warm, comforting casserole that’s perfect for any occasion.

Variations and Customizations :

One of the best things about a Reuben Bake is its versatility. Here are some delicious variations and customizations to suit different tastes and dietary needs:

  • Pastrami instead of Corned Beef: For a slight twist, you can substitute pastrami for the traditional corned beef. This adds a bit of smoky flavor to the dish.
  • Alternative Dressings: While Thousand Island dressing is the classic choice, Russian dressing or even a homemade blend of mayonnaise, ketchup, and sweet pickle relish can add a unique touch. For a homemade dressing, mix 1 cup mayonnaise, 3 tablespoons ketchup, 2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. This blend adds a fresh take on the traditional flavor.
  • Extra Ingredients: Enhance your Reuben Bake with additional ingredients like dill pickles or a spoonful of horseradish for an extra kick. Chopped pickles can be layered with the sauerkraut for added crunch and flavor.
  • Dietary Adjustments: For a gluten-free version, use gluten-free rye bread. If you’re watching your carbs, consider using low-carb bread options or reducing the amount of bread in the recipe.
  • Cheese Variations: While Swiss cheese is the traditional choice, you can experiment with other cheeses like provolone, cheddar, or a blend of cheeses for a different flavor profile.

These variations not only keep the dish interesting but also allow you to cater to different dietary preferences and flavor profiles.

Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Reuben Bake :

Creating a perfect Reuben Bake requires some attention to detail. Here are a few tips and tricks to ensure your casserole turns out perfectly every time:

  • Avoid Sogginess: To prevent the bread from becoming too soggy, make sure the sauerkraut is well-drained and the rye bread is slightly stale. If needed, toast the bread cubes lightly before layering them.
  • Achieve a Crispy Top: For a crispier top layer, remove the foil during the last 10 minutes of baking. This allows the cheese to brown nicely and adds a delightful texture to the casserole.
  • Balance Flavors and Textures: Ensure each layer is evenly distributed to balance the flavors and textures. Spread the ingredients evenly and avoid overloading any single layer.
  • Proper Storage: Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. For longer storage, the casserole can be frozen, but the bread may become slightly soggy upon reheating. Reheat leftovers in the oven for the best results, as microwaving can sometimes make the bread mushy.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Reuben Bake is both delicious and visually appealing, making it a hit at any dinner table.

Nutritional Information  :

Understanding the nutritional content of your Reuben Bake can help you make informed dietary choices. Here’s a breakdown of the nutritional information for one serving of this hearty casserole:

  • Calories: Approximately 420 kcal
  • Protein: 20g
  • Carbohydrates: 15g
  • Fat: 30g (of which saturated fat is 15g)
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Sugar: 5g
  • Sodium: 1200mg

To make a healthier version, consider the following adjustments:

  • Use low-fat Swiss cheese and reduce the amount of cheese used.
  • Opt for a light or homemade Thousand Island dressing to cut down on calories and fat.
  • Use whole grain or gluten-free bread to increase the fiber content and cater to dietary restrictions.
  • Increase the amount of sauerkraut and reduce the amount of meat for a lower-calorie, higher-fiber option.

These adjustments can make the Reuben Bake a more balanced and health-conscious dish while still maintaining its delicious flavor and satisfying texture.

Serving Suggestions :

A well-presented Reuben Bake can turn a simple meal into a delightful dining experience. Here are some serving suggestions to complement your casserole:

  • Side Dishes: Serve the Reuben Bake with classic side dishes like potato chips, French fries, or a tangy coleslaw. For a lighter option, consider a fresh green salad with a vinaigrette dressing.
  • Beverage Pairings: This hearty dish pairs well with a variety of beverages. For a traditional feel, serve it with a cold beer. Non-alcoholic options like iced tea or soda also complement the flavors well.
  • Presentation Tips: For a visually appealing presentation, garnish the casserole with chopped fresh parsley or caraway seeds. Serve it hot, cut into neat squares, and use a spatula to transfer each piece to a plate.
  • Hosting a Gathering: If you’re hosting a gathering, serve the Reuben Bake as part of a buffet with other comfort foods. It’s sure to be a crowd-pleaser and a conversation starter.

These serving suggestions not only enhance the dining experience but also make the Reuben Bake an excellent choice for both casual family meals and special occasions.

FAQs :

What is the best bread for Reuben Bake?

The best bread for a Reuben Bake is rye bread. Its robust flavor complements the other ingredients perfectly. Opt for slightly stale or lightly toasted rye bread to prevent sogginess.

Can I make Reuben Bake ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the Reuben Bake up to 24 hours in advance. Assemble the casserole and cover it with foil, then store it in the refrigerator. When you’re ready to bake, add an extra 5-10 minutes to the baking time to ensure it’s heated through.

How do I store and reheat leftovers?

Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. For longer storage, freeze the casserole. Reheat leftovers in the oven at 350°F until heated through. If reheating a single serving, use the microwave in 30-second intervals.

What can I use as a substitute for Swiss cheese?

If you’re not a fan of Swiss cheese, you can substitute it with provolone, cheddar, or a blend of your favorite cheeses. Each cheese brings a unique flavor to the dish, so feel free to experiment.

Can I freeze Reuben Bake?

Yes, you can freeze the Reuben Bake. However, keep in mind that the bread may become slightly soggy when reheated. To minimize this, ensure the casserole is well-wrapped and use within 2-3 months. Reheat in the oven for best results.

Common Mistakes to Avoid :

Making a Reuben Bake can be straightforward, but avoiding common mistakes ensures the best outcome:

  • Overcooking or Undercooking: Monitor the baking time closely. Overcooking can dry out the casserole, while undercooking may leave it too soggy. Aim for a bubbly, golden-brown top.
  • Using Too Much or Too Little Dressing: Balance is key. Too much Thousand Island dressing can make the dish overly moist, while too little can make it dry. Stick to the recipe’s recommended amount.
  • Not Properly Draining the Sauerkraut: Excess moisture from the sauerkraut can lead to a soggy casserole. Drain and rinse the sauerkraut thoroughly before adding it to the layers.
  • Inadequate Layering: Ensure even distribution of all ingredients for balanced flavors and textures. Uneven layering can result in bites that are too salty or too bland.

By being mindful of these common mistakes, you can ensure your Reuben Bake turns out perfect every time, delighting your family and guests with its rich, comforting flavors.

Conclusion :

In conclusion, the Reuben Bake is a delightful twist on the classic Reuben sandwich, offering all its beloved flavors in a convenient casserole form. Whether you stick to the traditional recipe or experiment with variations, this dish is sure to become a favorite. Easy to prepare and perfect for any occasion, the Reuben Bake combines the best of comfort food with the convenience of a casserole. Give it a try, share your personal touches, and enjoy the hearty, satisfying goodness of this classic dish.

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Reuben Bake

  • Author: Easy Recipes
  • Total Time: 45 minutes



8 slices of rye bread, cubed

1 pound thinly sliced or shredded corned beef

1 can (14 ounces) sauerkraut, drained and rinsed

2 cups grated Swiss cheese

1 cup Thousand Island dressing


Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Lightly grease a baking dish to prevent sticking.
Prepare Ingredients: Cube the rye bread slices, shred or thinly slice the corned beef, and drain and rinse the sauerkraut.
Layer Ingredients: Begin by layering half of the cubed rye bread in the bottom of the greased baking dish. Top with half of the corned beef, followed by half of the sauerkraut. Sprinkle half of the grated Swiss cheese over the sauerkraut layer.
Add Dressing: Drizzle half of the Thousand Island dressing evenly over the cheese layer.
Repeat Layers: Repeat the layering process with the remaining ingredients: rye bread, corned beef, sauerkraut, and Swiss cheese.
Finish with Dressing: Drizzle the remaining Thousand Island dressing evenly over the top layer of cheese.
Bake: Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and place it in the preheated oven. Bake for approximately 25-30 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
Serve: Once baked, remove the foil and allow the Reuben Bake to cool slightly before serving. Cut into squares and serve hot.

  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes

6 thoughts on “Reuben Bake”

  1. YUM!! I used my homemade corned venison and homemade sauerkraut in this recipe! Adding it to my meal plans! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I could have shit it was so good. Matter of fact, I think I might need to go do that right now.

    Y’all, any good review includes the word y’all, but Y’ALL! This is the best sandwich I ever had.

    I could have just had a sandwich.

    Why are my eyes buzzing?

  3. Delicious! We had left over cornbeef and I seen this recipe. Very easy and we really enjoyed it!


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